Biopuncture is a therapy that injects small quantities of biological material under the skin or into the muscle.
An important note about Biopuncture is the fact that it is grounded in conventional diagnosis.
Biopuncture is usually used in combination with traditional or alternative treatment.
We feel that coupled with Oseopathic Manipulation Therapy it is a very effective combination.
Each Biopuncture substance works through different mechanisms in the body to stimulate an immune response.
Traumeel has been shown, in clinical trials effective for treating acute athletic injuries (Orizola A et al. 2007) by inhibiting IL-1ß and TNF-alpha secretion.
It has recently received great acclaim such as being featured on the
Dr. Oz show.
Some commonly treated conditions we have found Biopuncture to be effective for are:
Musculoskeletal problems: sprains and strains, joint pain, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain (rotator cuff syndrome, impingement),
mild to moderate arthritis, back/neck pain, nerve pain, painful scars, residual pain after surgery
Medical problems: asthma, hay fever, irritable bowel, eczema, bronchitis, migraine headaches and irritable bowel syndrome